Willow Design & Publishing launched the original photographs taken during the Easter Rising in 1916 by T.W. Murphy, Photographer in Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin last week. The photographs were originally produced by T.W. Murphy in 2 books: 1) The Rebellion in Dublin and 2) Dublin after the Six Days Insurrection.
Dublin after the Six Days Insurrection was originally passed for transmission abroad by the official press bureau of the British Forces headed by Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, the British Army Officer who is best known for his execution of the leaders of the Easter Rising.
Tom Murphy, grandson of the photographer approached David Knight from Willow Design to republish these photographs after 100 years, David contacted the Irish Times Picture Editor Frank Miller, who was delighted to accept the invitation to launch this historic collection of photographs. On the evening of the launch he commented on both the quality and content of the imagery and was delighted to see them remaining with an Irish publisher and in particular being published by the grandchildren of the same family.
Willow Design now has distributors interested in distributing these unique books, calendars and greeting cards, both in the USA, Canada and the U.K. The range is being introduced to world distribution at the New York Stationery Fair in the U.S.A. next weekend.
T.W. Murphy (1972-1953) was born in Marlborough Street, Dublin. He worked as a photographer and journalist, with his writing and photographs appearing in The Irish Times, Belfast Telegraph, The Weekly Irish Times, The Freeman’s Journal, Ireland’s Saturday Night, and with his keen interest in Motor cycling and cars, worked with the Motor Cycle, Motor Illustrated and Car and Autocar. The photographs that are reproduced on these cards are from the book, The Rebellion in Dublin, April, 1916, and convey more eloquently than words, the damage that Dublin suffered during the Black Week.
David Knight, Willow Design & Publishing: Frank Miller, Picture Editor, Irish Times, Tom Murphy, grandson of the original Irish Times photographer T.W. Murphy, who took the original photographs in 1916 |
Dublin 1916: Photo T.W. Murphy: A Sinn Fein Prisoner Being Conveyed to the Castle. |
Dublin 1916: Photo T.W. Murphy: Henry Street from the West |
Dublin 1916: Photo T. W. Murphy: A news vendor resumes business amongst the ruins of the GPO |